
New project, new pictures!

Hey hey!

As you all can see I'm no longer posting here.  Time has come to start something completely different and I would like to share my new project as it starting to grow and grow.

I started a travel/photogaphy blog where I will be trading my images for 'food and board' and something to cover my travels.  I won't be making any money the time I'll be doing this, and I most definitely won't be charging money for the pictures. Hence the trading.   I hope to travel around for a few months, nothing planned yet.
At the moment I'm in South-Portugal discovering this paradise-looking part or Europe. I can't wait to go and discover more!

Go have a look and don't hesitate to invite me into your home If you think we should shoot together!


Here are a few of the most recent projects I did.


  1. Great idea and lovely pictures. I'll definitely keep an eye on your new website.
